The BB Glow Pigment Ampoules create the founding effect on the skin.
They contain added foundation with a combination of niacinamide and peptide to tackle a number of skin issues.
The benefits of applying BB Glow:
Brightening and whitening
Slowing anti-aging process
Covering of dark spots, freckles, uneven tones
Dry and sun-damaged skin
Tired and sensitive skin
What is Niacinamide?
Niacinamide is a form of vitamin B-3. Reduces inflammation , which may help ease redness from eczema, acne, and other inflammatory skin conditions. Minimizes pore appearance. Keeping skin smooth and moisturized may have a secondary benefit — a natural reduction in pore size over time. Regulates oil.
What is Peptide?
Peptides are amino acids that make up certain proteins needed by the skin. More specifically, collagen is made of three polypeptide chains, so adding peptides can stimulate your skin to make collagen. More collagen can lead to firmer, younger-looking skin.
The Stayve BB Glow Starter Kit DermaWhite kit ( bb glow kit )contains tones for all skin types, they are:
Light - lightest shade, ideal for people with light skin tone
Light Rose - pinkish light shade shade, ideal for people with light skin tone
Medium - medium shade, ideal for people with medium skin tone
Deep - dark shade, ideal for people with dark skin tone
To apply BB Glow check How it Works and Before and After BB Glow Pigments Ampoules from Stayve !